April 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
April 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
April 2020
LMA Board Meeting 4/11/2020
Saturday, April 11, 2020
- Call to Order: President: Sue Westburg
- 9:01 AM called to order
- Attendees:
- Arlyss Rinowski
- Beth Blaylock - Secretary
- Chuck Munson
- John Montour
- Mike Widseth
- Robbie Danko - Treasurer
- Sue Reinhart
- Sue Westburg - President
- Tim Rinowski - Vice President
- Terryl Patterson
- Greg Pfeifer
- Welcome attending members and guests.
- None
Report of Officers:
Secretary’s Report: Beth B./Sue W
John made the motion to accept; Chuck 2nd the motion
Treasurer’s Report: Robbie D.
Currently in checking: $6,498.63
MM: $53,286.06
Aitkin County reimbursement - haven't seen anything (~$2000)
In kind hours haven't been reimbursed yet. Need to follow up with Steve Hughes at Aitkin County
Several membership renewals have come in early
Insurance and property taxes yet to be paid (~ $2000 - $2500)
2019 operating expenses have been covered by the LID
No expenses yet in 2020
Expensive part of new software has been paid for already.
Hope to be in the new web-based platform by May 2020
Issue with the insurance. New underwriter was processing our unemployment insurance, who thought that we were hiring employees and paying for highway cleanup, which then triggered questions if we are truly a non-profit. Working to get that cleaned up. Payment will be in May and hope to have this cleared up by then.
Haven't updated the budget for this meeting. Robbie will get one put together between now and our next meeting
Tim made the motion to accept report as is; and Chuck 2nd the motion.
Water Quality Report: John Montour
Dale coming next Friday. Hydraulic set up needs some work. Vibration starting to cause some leaks. Want to get that corrected so that we don't have any issues while on the lake. Costs are estimated at $200 - $300 for parts to correct. John will contact the manufacturer of the harvester with the changes made so that they understand the design issues. We are beyond our warrantee period.
Once the leak is fixed, the harvester is good to go.
John has a copy of the permit and will have on the harvester
Truck and trailer will need to be DOT.
Truck driver and Robert Henry will be back to run the harvesting operation this year.
Old Business:
Weir's Damn
Decided to switch the finances to the Aitkin's soil and water. That change was made before Sue W. left for the winter. Jeff Tilman has filed the paperwork he needed to do. Work is now in the engineering group out of Duluth. Project has been approved by the State.
In kind hours
Has submitted and waiting for reimbursement
Loon Nesting
This year is a surveying/research year. Goal is to understand where the loons are currently nesting.
St. Cloud Tech will build us 3 this year.
Costs depend on the price of aluminum ($600 - $700 per platform)
Would be available late 2020 for placement in spring 2021
Permits - may need to pull permits next year with the Sheriff when we place the platforms. These platforms are a 4'X 5' structure. They float but are anchored in 4 points. Will need to have some buoys by each platform to help keep the wake down and people away so that we don’t scare them away. A large sign for a bigger buoy further away from the nest/platform and then smaller buoys with no signs closer to the nest
Working with Steve from Man Trap Lake. Very knowledgeable and helpful. If anyone is interested in more information, they should check out the Man Trap Lake association web page.
Platforms will need to place within 7 days from ice out. Needs to be right away so that the loons haven't already built their nests.
Greg to follow up with Tim on where the current nests are and if there are eggs on the nests.
Chuck made the motion to authorize Greg $2500 to purchase 3 nesting platforms and the vote was made and all board members were in favor.
Donations for BBQ
Doing online and have gotten some positive responses. Have suspended with COVID-19.
Keep any donation forms so that Arlyss can send thank you notes. Arlyss needs stamps. Go ahead and buy them and Robbie will reimburse for them.
Still planning on having. Will wait and see how the virus develops before making any decisions.
Stared working a little on the food with the different vendors, but haven't moved forward with anything at this time.
Will be working on new signs for this years BBQ
Growth zone work continues.
Member software database. Growth zone has done the initial data base population. Their mapping tool only allows for one address. Will need to go and add the 2nd address.
County records don't include e-mail address that we have collected. Will need to manually add.
New memberships that have been added, would like to add to start the records.
Slider images
Adding different ways that people use the lake.
Core piece of front page contains our 4 areas of focus.
Call out button for our merchandise. Not sure how fulfillment will happen.
Would be a good test to do an email blast around fishing opener.
New membership offer - $50 and a flag
Keep doing but only offer at the BBQ and Wild Rice Days.
All orders have been filled but one.
Sip and Shop - made $300. Were there for 6 hours.
Was scheduling to have one in April but has been postponed due to virus.
Sue R. will review the inventory and make a recommendation on merchandise needed.
Need t-shirts, tanks and sweatpants.
Current inventory is all paid for. Could reduce the price on the old merchandise. Arlyss and Sue R. will review merchandise and determine items to reduce.
Have a couple of issues with the hockey sweatshirts where the lake part of the screen printing is peeling off. Will take to the shirt shop to see if what they can do going forward.
New Business
Jerry at Willey's - dock work is on hold due to COVID-19. Considered non-essential at this time. Working with their representatives to get this lifted. Jerry has provided a contact at the state and provided a number for folks to voice their concerns: ph: 651-201-3400
Could we put this on Facebook? Sue W. to put on site.
If possible, please find a way to support the businesses that have supported us over the years. Services, gift cards, take-out, etc.
Recommendation to consolidate the business and individual forms into one. Current mailing process is that that businesses get the individual membership brochures and there is confusion on what the membership fees are $35 or $50.
Business Memberships:
Currently we have 3 business memberships (Bann's, Yellowstone and Sportsman Club). Would we be able to reach out to them to see if they would like their memberships reimbursed in an effort to support them with everything going on?
Tim and Arlyss will reach out to the different businesses that have supported us in the past and inform them they will be considered a supporter this year even if they aren't able to pay in 2020.
Three bag limit has been instituted. Starting with this year's fishing opener there will be a three-walleye limit!
There will no longer a fishing contest sponsored the Chamber on the lake.
Roadside clean-up will be postponed for now.
- Adjournment:
- Motion made to adjourn Robbie; All in favor
- Meeting adjourned at: 10:57 AM
- Next meeting scheduled for:
- May 16th 9:00 AM; location TBD