July 2022 LMA Board Meeting
July 2022 LMA Board Meeting
JULY 2022 LMA Board Meeting
July 9, 2022
Attendees: Sue W, Sue R, Chuck M, Terryl P, Robbie, Greg, Melissa, Tim, Arylss, Beth
Missing: John M
Guest: Bruce Patterson – New LID president
Terry made the motion to start meeting and John 2nd. The meeting started at 9:01 AM
Treasurers Report:
- Taxes for 2021 have been completed and ready to submit
- Beth to help with totally the business contributions
- July 15th is the next LID meeting. Robbie to get all the current expenses into the LID before the meeting.
- Robbie to resubmit items to the County and Steve Hughes. Haven’t been reimbursed yet.
- Expenses for promotional items is $5149. Will end up with a profit or zero balance once the season goes on
- Report accepted as is. Terryl motioned to approve and Tim 2nd
Secretary’s Report:
- Tim made motion to approve and 2nd by Sue
Water Quality Report:
- Stopped harvester last week due to the holiday
- Up to this point there hasn’t been much for weeds collected. Will be back up and running this week.
- Chris is now here.
- Tom Nelson and Ole installed a relay so the hydraulics wouldn’t overheat.
Old Business:
Business Memberships:
- Sent out 100 letters, and so far, have 26-30 replies.
Individual Memberships:
- The list that we get from the County is updated every year.
- Any returned mailings were readdressed and sent out. No additional returns have been received. Arylss to get Beth the envelopes with the yellow stickers.
- Beth to review membership levels from last year to this year to see if sending the letter later has a better return for memberships.
Wier’s Damn:
- One new bid that has come in and it is lower than last year’s bid. They do have another contractor that would like to do a site visit to put a bid together.
- Have interest in providing more funding from Sportsman Club, LID and LMA to ensure that this project gets moving forward this fall.
- Sue to follow up with Steve to get the RFP to Robbie. Robbie has asked for it and isn’t getting any response.
- Beth to find out who Steve’s backfill is.
Loon Nesting program:
- Have found a find a natural loon nest.
- The nest in front of Bann’s hatched before the storm but have found a few dead on the shore. Not seeing any babies on the lake currently.
- A social group of 4 has been hanging out on the lake. Seems like Minnewawa is a social and fishing lake for the loons.
- Haven’t had any activities on either of the other two platforms. Looking for different locations for the other platforms. Thinking of the “weed island” between Warners and Sheshebe point.
- $1500 approved to use on loon platform expenses. Tim made to motion to approve and Chuck 2nd. All approved.
- New chains or another material for the platforms instead of rope. We are seeing wear on the ropes.
- 3 more buoys
- Upgrades to the loon signs
- If the weather is calm, looking to pull the platforms next weekend.
- Greg will be ready to talk to the folks at the BBQ.
- Greg to do some research on what it takes to make additional wood duck houses. Will use the information to put together a plan for next year.
- Updated design sent to the printer yesterday. Robbie should have them next week.
- Melissa has volunteered to take over the placemats and coasters printing.
- Coasters are here now
Kid’s Fishing Day:
- Have 17 kids signed up for the July 25th date.
- We have $175 in donations for the Kid’s fishing day. (Connie Antonsen)
- Will use the money to purchase bait from Willie’s and some tackle
- Have saved 20 shirts for the kids
- Boats for event – 2 Blaylock, 1 Westburg, Tim, Chuck. Mike has volunteered his boat but can’t be there on the day.
LMA Merchandise:
- Gave away 280 t-shirts this year on the 2nd of July. Very well received. Sue has been putting pictures on Facebook. This is the 3rd year that we have done the give-away.
- New apparel has been ordered from Aitkin T-shirt.
- Majority of the merchandise has arrived at Aitkin T-shirt and needs to be personalized.
- Will need to pay the balance when we pick up the merchandise. Total is $6889.
- BBQ Staff t-shirts has arrived. Will hand them out after setting up in the morning of the BBQ.
- Sue and Arylss will investigate other items than apparel.
- Terryl to run to Duluth for the food that hasn’t been donated– Sam’s and Costco.
- Will be ordering buns from Super1
- Tim has the wheelbarrow reserved and will go to pick up beverages
- Melissa will manage the raffles again.
- Sue to contact the same people regarding using their yard for parking
- Zell’s are not sure if they will have a patio set to donate. Mike’s Son is in a new role. If they can’t donate, would we purchase?? What about Ace Hardware??
- Venmo has been set up for the BBQ.
- Can we get napkins from the Grand Timber Bank? Sue W to follow up.
- Need 6 people for serving food
- Request Donations for the BBQ – put something on the website (Beth) and Facebook (Sue W). Items can be stored at Westburg’s
- Let’s plan on setup starting at 10:00 for tents. Greg and sons will do the tables and trailer stuff before everyone arrives.
- Should we purchase some additional tables to use during the BBQ and can be stored at the garage.
- Beth to put together a starter sheet for putting together spreadsheet/checklist for next year.
- Send out this week.
New Business:
- Sunday July 17th will be a Bass Nation (High School Bass) fishing contest on the Lake. Starts at 7:00 and weigh in is at 2:00 PM at the boat launch.
- Has anyone noticed if anyone is using the line collection?
- There is a paddleboat that has floated up at the launch. No one has claimed it yet.
- Wild Rice Days – Booth has been paid for. Will have the same spot as last year.
- Annual meeting notice – Beth to put on website. August 6th – 10:00 AM at Sportsman’s Club
Tim made a motion to adjourn and 2nd by Melissa. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 AM
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