June 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
June 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
June 2021 LMA Board Meeting
Sue Westberg, Chuck Munson, Robbie Danko, Tim Rinowski, Arlyss Rinowski, John Montour
Mike Widseth, Beth Blaylock, Terryl Patterson
Excused: Greg Pfeifer, Sue Rienhart, Melissa Palmer
Robbie made the motion to get “this shit” started – Meeting called to order at 9:00 AM
Secretary Report – Beth Blaylock: Accepted as written
John made the motion to accept
Tim 2nd the motion
Treasury Report – Robbie Danko:
- LMLID – 14,000 for end of season expenses
- Removed the amount that they paid us for the website and website set up costs
- LMLID - $2550 for Lake Survey
- LMLID – $6,327.36 for 2021 Season startup expenses
- Aitkin County AIS Grant - $1254 for 2021 placemats
- Need to rebill Steve at Aitlin county for 2020 placemat reimbursement
- Budget for new promotional LMA merchandise - $3000.00
Net account balances:
- Checking account - $5160.56
- Money Market Checking $38,442.48
- Receivables - $24,131.00
- Total funds; approximately $65,000
We have converted to paying everything electronically
- Asking the LID to electronic transfer funds verses writing checks.
John made the motion to accept as presented
Sue W 2nd the motion
Water Quality – John Montour:
- Weed Harvester: Hydraulic oil runs way too hot on warm days. About 300 degrees verses the recommended 100 degrees. Hydraulic expert has looked at it and is recommending that we add cooling fans to the system - ~$4000 - $5000. Total repairs needed for the harvester will range from $8-10,000
- Monday is the first day that we will start harvesting weeds. Has not been many weeds yet due to the cooler weather. With this warmer weather the last several days the weeds will be bloom quickly.
- John has hired a new person, Chris. Will be starting Monday morning
- Hard to keep people because we can’t guarantee hours – are there other things that we can have them do in order to stabilize the hours. Will look at pay.
- Need to have the truck and trailer DOT certified still.
- Still approved to purchase a pump and hoses to clean the harvester. John will get that taken.
- Robbie will review our insurance policy for any age restrictions for operating the harvester
- Beth to get website modified with harvester information.
Old Business:
Wier’s Dam – no new updates from Aitkin County. They are in the process of hiring contractors for the project.
We still have a beaver building a dam in the weir’s dam area. The DNR has deemed it a nuisance beaver and we have permission remove the beaver. Not sure how best to proceed at this time.
May LID Meeting – Sue W. attended
- The LID will not cover costs of the website
- Will only cover things that directly affect the lake
- Want a load count of weeds
- Would like all the bills in before their October meeting so that they can budget for the next year.
- Will not have the end of the season harvester payroll tax information and a few other expenses by then but will use previous years costs to provide an estimate.
- Terryl volunteered to help with updating the website
LMA Merchandise Sale:
- Close-out sale over Memorial Weekend went very well. The group had a lot of fun also!
- Had a few people who were not able to find where it was held at
- $2589 in sales. Went from 9 bins of merchandise to 1.
- New items:
- Need t-shirts ordered for the kids on the 4th of July
- Current supplier is not communicating, so we need force the issue or find a new one.
- New flags have been ordered and in process
- Had someone ask to sell an item during the silent auction. They want a reserve on it to cover their costs. Have had this ask before.
- Decision was made to keep the policy of all items will be a donation only.
- The board was unanimous in the decision
New Business:
Craft House opening
- Some board members attended the soft opening
- Coaster or table tents would be an option there. Not as much room for placemats.
- Robbie will check with the printer for what is available and costs.
LMA Garage:
- Lots of OSB board on site that was used as table tops previously. Could we put it on FaceBook
Marketplace and clean them out?
- Group voted unanimously to go forward
Kids Fishing Day - July 12th
- We have 5 Pontoons currently. Need at least another one or two pontoons.
- Any other suggestions of folks to support?? Check with neighbors who have pontoons
- We will get the kid count sometime mid-June
- Previously years there have been about 36 kids
Secci Lake: Samples taken this week by Ole and Sue Westberg and results were better than previous years. The readings were:
- Center of lake in front of boat launch- 8.4 average
- Pleasure point (Southeast side) – 8.2 average
- In front of Blaylock’s (Northwest side) 8.6 average
Loon Nesting Platforms:
- We have 1 loon pair which has built a nest on a platform
- We have more pairs on the lake this year – estimating 6 pairs
- Generally, it takes 2-3 years to get the loons to build on the platforms, so this is a good start.
- Will be investigating putting cams on the platforms. Have a contact that does a lot of fundraising and may be able to help get some donated.
Hope Chenevert - would like to volunteer by building fishing line recycling containers for the boat landing(s). She would take and recycle the used fishing line.
- Board is in favor
LMA Flags
Should we change the price of the flags? Currently $35. We do run a special for a membership and a flag for $50 during the BBQ and Wild Rice Days. No decision made at this time.
John made a motion to adjourn the meeting
Robbie 2nd the motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:37 AM
Next Meeting is July 10th @ 9:00 AM at Bann’s