September 2021 Board Meeting
September 2021 Board Meeting
Board Meeting Notes
September 11, 2021
Meeting called to order: 9:00 AM
Attendees: Sue Westburg, Tim Rinowski, Aryliss Rinowski, John Montour, Melissa, Terryl P
Unable to attend: Robbie Danko, Sue R., Chuck Wilson, Mike Widseth, Greg P.
Guests: Jessica Johnson – Tamarak Mining – Talon, Kari Dodge
Secretary Report: Tim made motion to accept and John 2nd
Treasurer report:
Robbie couldn’t attend. Will send report.
Water Quality Report:
- Harvester was removed from the lake in the middle of August due to low water levels.
- Able to clean up with the new tank and fire hose system. Took hours verses weeks.
- AWG – makes fire nozzles. We are looking for a 1” new gun. John doing some additional research to determine what type of nozzle will work best. Estimated cost - $700-800.
- Oil change has been done on the harvester and on the truck.
- No large maintenance projects planned at this time.
- Update on gear. Not going to do anything on it. Aquarius will be sending us a new conveyor belt free of charge. New gear and belt sent in 2017, so it lasted 4 years. May want to budget for replacement every 3-4 years.
- Water levels are down approximately 2 feet.
Guest Speaker: Jessica
Now employing 56 people on the project
Looking for interns for the summer – environmental sciences, welding, trades
Doing surveys for areas to drill
New building going up on main street Tamarac is for storing core samples. No EV battery facilities in the US. There are $$s in the infrastructure bill in Washington to assist in establishing a battery facility in the US.
This is one of two mines within the US. The other is in Michigan.
Drilling – 1600 to 2000 feet deep
Finding Nickle “shallower” 600-800 feet deep
Will be establishing underground mines. No open mines.
Goal is to be mining in 2026. Not enough data to start the permitting process with the state. In a very small, focused area to expedite the timing to meet the aggressive timeline of 2026.
When mine is up and running they would employ 450 employees. An additional 400 for the construction phase.
There is an open-door policy at offices and will give a tour and explain the plans and can take you out to the drill rigs.
Link to Talon Metals website:
Old Business:
Loan nesting update:
- Tim has a place to collect bullrush for the platforms. Can try drying them at the garage on the back concrete slab.
- The duck boat will not work for the platforms. Too tippy. Decided to sell it. Sold it on marketplace. $750.
- Greg will be getting pricing for 2 additional buoys for the loon nests that are not on the platforms
Individual: 152
Business: 22
- Will get mock-up new volunteer shirts for next year. Aitkin shop will do this during their slow time in January/February.
- More money coming in since the BBQ
- $ XXXXXXX, Sue will update the amount
- Need to put more items in the timed raffles.
- Have a couple of items that didn’t go. Will be donating to a local cause. Don Sather fund raiser.
- Will be using the tent for the Don Sather
- A new tent has been ordered for the kid’s game. They have arrived.
- Tim will check with Dead Upholstery to see if they can work on the tents that need some repair.
- Should we sell or donate the red & white tent? Used to use it at the garage sale. It’s too big for the BBQ.
LMA Merchandise
- Fabulous sales!!!
- $3,000 dollars
New Business:
Yearend Mailing: How do we merge the Aitkin property mailing list with the website so that we capture the members that are not on the lake.
Merchandise: Suggestion to get a point-of-sale device so that we don’t have to use the square device. It is about $300 dollars. Sue Westburg to investigate what a unit costs and what it will take to use.
Wild Rice Day – was very busy this year. Lots of people in town.
Tamarack Pest Control – Used Mike to put some bait stations at the LMA garage. He will be back in two weeks to monitor the situation.
- Will mockup some new kid’s shirts. Plan for 200 t-shirts for the 4th of July giveaway. Order some extra for the kids fishing day.
Wier’s Dam: There are various rock piles around the area that are available to use and will help reduce some of the costs. Maybe able to use them for the weir’s dam. The bidding closes on September 27th. Has had several contractors that have bid on the project. The belief is that after the bidding process we will be able to start right away. Due to the low water levels this would be a perfect time to start the fish ladder process.
LMA Coaster – Barb Fritz was the chosen winner of the contest. She will be getting a gift card from Bann’s.
Shamrock Clean-up Day is September 18th.
October 9th meeting:
Should we have a meeting? Decision was made to skip. If something comes up, we will send out an email.
Only item to discuss is the mailing – which will go out in January.
- President’s letter
- VP letter
- AIS handout
Meeting ended: 11:15 AM - Beth Motion made to adjourn by 2nd by John
Additional Info
Media Contact : Beth Blaylock
Source : Beth Blaylock